Indonesia (1)
West Kalimanan was one of the most important stages of my trip. Borneo has become a destination because of the orangutans. I stood on the equator in Pontianak! Who has not traveled this road by bicycle does not know what satisfaction it gives to cross the equator.
◨ 1 / 9: Pontianak
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 2 / 9: Entikong
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 3 / 9: Balai Karangan
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 4 / 9: Kembayan
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 5 / 9: Pontianak
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 6 / 9: Pontianak, Khatulistiwa
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 7 / 9: Pontianak, Khatulistiwa
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 8 / 9: Pontianak
◷ Taken: 2018-06
◨ 9 / 9: Pontianak
◷ Taken: 2018-06